Arrived at New York University
Yesterday we arrived at the Gramercy Residence Hall of the New York University.
I had a wonderful first program introducing all topics in my presentation. What a warm welcome!
The City, A Playground of Diversity
We discovered using vivid imagination and combined interests we wee able to project ourselves in a future city with a flourishing production industry and with new forms of transportation like flying cars, hover boards and a lively urban setting with many newcomers of great diversity.
The challence is to think of the city you live in as a changing platform that you can shape into a fitting future, your onw future. People feel familiar forming all kinds of digital platforms but in good collaboration city dwellers will be able to create physical platforms to manifest their unique urban experiences and inspire others to do the same.
Looking forward to the second part of the program, including the Performance of Talib Kweli and live band in Blue Note toningt.
To all students: feel invited. Contact Prof. Blagovesta Momchedjikova for enrollment!
I thank all for the warm welcome and for everybody's contribution this first day. It was a pleasure meeting you already a few minutes after touch down.