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The first two slide shows cover my presentation at New York University and NYC photos 2015. More to see at page: Blog
Photos NYC 2015 by Design Studio Wouter Storm CC BY-NC-ND. Check:
Presentation NY University 

The City: A Playground of Diversity

Invited by Prof. Blagovesta Momchedjikova.

My educational program for October 4 & 5, 2015:


As inner cities continue to gentrify, urban wonder and improvisation develop into their own subcultures.

How can we preserve the conditions of the cultural melting pot? What forums can be made available to city dwellers, so they can present their unique urban experiences and inspire others to do the same? Can we think of possibilities to stage cities as playgrounds of diversity? 


My goal is to adapt the slides also to other urban playgrounds in different cities. Preparing for NYU in 2016 I'm expanding the program. When you are interested in an educational workshop feel free to contact me.



My New York photos 2015

We were invited by Prof. Blagovesta Momchedjikova to settle in the New York University Suite for four days, before traveling to California. Next to the program which I organised for Prof. Momchedjikova's students at the New York University we had the opportunity to bike around Manhattan and ride over all east side bridges to see many developments across Brooklyn. Some extra pictures of the student program can be found here: go to the pictures.

All my photos are made with my new Canon 5D, mint condition classic camera. I will surely bring you more intresting pictures by this full frame camera. Next up is California.

Photos by Design Studio Wouter Storm CC BY-NC-ND


App Virtual Tour Stadshavens Rotterdam


A virtual tour thru the Rotterdam City harbors which visualizes all rezoning strategies of the Rotterdam municipality. The tour is equipped with bicycle maps showing icons throughout the city.


Desktop version has gigapixel zooming homepage!

The virtual tour was also available as stand alone iOS and Android mobile phone app, from 2012 untill September 2015.

Download: iOS app, n.a. anymore.

Download Android app, n.a. anymore.


Realized while working at RNW Conceptdesign

Virtual tour of three water management boards

The City of Rotterdam contacted us for the production of this virtual tour in cooperation with the three Rotterdam watermanagement boards:

- Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

- Hoogheemraadschap van Schieland en de Krimpenerwaard

- Waterschap Hollandse Delta.


These boards are the oldest democratic institutions in the history of the Netherlands.

The tour is all about informing the public on their management tasks in Water safety, Water quality and Water quantity.


Go to the virtual tour (desktop only)


Realized while working at RNW Conceptdesign

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